Christmas 2017
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2017 - It's a Blunder-ful Life!

[DETAILS ABOVE: Trumpy is arguing with Grumpy, one of the Seven Dwarfs. Kathy Griffin is holding up the (non-bloody) head of Michael Flynn.
Speedy Gonzalez is being chased by Ophelia. The government jet was ex-Health Czar, Tom Price's. The green cigarette box is Marlboro Marijuana.
The paper towel roll is the actual brand Trump tossed to Puerto Ricans. That's zucchini "pasta" behind Tony. A Bitcoin is behind
Garrison Keillor. Nico doesn't really have unicorn-hair/horn, but there is a Starbucks' "Unicorn Frappuccino" above Trump.]


2017 - It's a Blunder-ful Life!


2017 - It's a Blunder-ful Life!


TONY PALERMO is an audio theatre producer, performer, and educator living in Los Angeles, California.
He performs professionally, conducts workshops, and produces programs for hire.
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Last modified: 12/25/20